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Why Good Websites Help Small Businesses

William Bojczuk, Wed Jan 03 2024

There's a lot of information floating around, some true and some just a marketing effort to get you to use someone's product.

But what are the REAL benefits of having a website for your business?

There are quite a few, some tangible and some not. In this day of technology where all anyone has to do to validate a business is a quick Google search, you want to make sure your business looks legitimate when someone checks it out.

If I want to try a new restaurant or need a plumber to repair a leak. One of the first things (if not the first thing) I do, is look for that type of business online near me and check out their website.

What if their website is outdated? Looks like it hasn't been maintained, is sloppily put together, or is really hard to use?

Chances are, that business doesn't care what potential client's first impression is and that lack of care may be a recurring theme in their business as a whole.

Regardless of whether or not this is true, it's what impression a new visitor gets, and in this age where there is ALWAYS a competitor in the same area, it's not a good thing.

A website done well, will not only rank well in Google, which allows more potential clients to discover you. However a well-built website will build trust and leave a good first impression on a new visitor. So instead of pushing your potential clients to a competitor, the chances they opt for YOUR services are much higher. And that's what you want.

If you're on the edge about getting a new professional website. Maybe because of the financial investment, or the time required to get it up and running. Think about the benefits: A website is an asset to your business and can either hurt your brand or strengthen it. A good website WILL bring more business and set you apart from competitors.

Weigh the pros and the cons, if the pros outweigh the cons, why wait? Invest in your business and see the results!